Elder Michael Green "The Church Should Engage In The Ministry Of Mercy" Elder David Crawford "Sin Is Real"
Elder Mark Quarles "Our Hiding Place" Elder David Montgomery "Cities Of Refuge" Elder Tim McCool "Further Up And Further In"
Elder Adam Green "Condescension Of Jesus Christ" Elder James Isaacs "Just For A Moment"
Elder Daniel Montgomery "John The Baptist" Elder Danny Wisner "The Faithfulness of God"
Elder Michael Hattaway "Where The Word Of A King Is, There Is Power" Elder Stephen Dyar "Five Kings With No Power" Elder John Mizell "Primitive Baptist Doctrine Possible & Practical"
Elder Gary Rhodes "I See Also The Lord" Elder Phillip Conley "Purge The Old Leaven" Elder Larry Webb "Decision Making"
Elder Jonathan Cook "Sir, We Would See Jesus" Elder Mickey Myers "Lessons from Mary of Magdalene" Elder Danny Barker "Let Us Move Forward In Faith"
Elder Mike Roberts "An Ordinary Day In The Life Of Jesus Christ" Elder Silas Ford "The Highest Holy Hill" Elder Dan Bryant